She set a few of the traps for me and as we were both peering into the cabinet she saw the mouse, we both screamed, jumped, and ran out of the room! Needless to say I DO NOT like mice. No matter how many Disney movies or Christmas stories they may be in, they are not my idea of a furry little friend.
And on top of it all this little pest has been stealing and hiding our dogs food! We have found it in the most random place! In towels stacking on a shelf, a vase filled to the brim, and oddest of all, our printer! Daniel had to take the whole thing apart because he would hear the rattling but couldn't see the dog food! Needless to say I have had it up to here (hand gesture to my head height) with this little booger! First I was scared, now, I'm flat out pissed! I told Daniel not to be surprised if he sees me chase it down with a broom or a butcher knife!
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